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产品介绍----R系列温控仪、模块及温控系统----温控模块及系统 ---R9000



Above all, the system is suitable for controlling and monitoring temperature and other quantities, e.g. at machines in the plastics processing and textile industries. Modular design offers the following advantages: simplified project engineering, ordering and wiring, easy new installation or retrofitting. Thanks to compact dimensions, up to 32 controllers, even of different types, can be mounted to a single rack. The 4-channel controller modules and the master unit with control panel all function autonomously.
Master Unit:

* Configurations administration for all control loops
* Display of actual value and setpoint, alarms and error conditions
* RS232 / TTY serial interface (20 mA)

Controller modules:
* Input: 4 thermocouples, types L, J and K with switchable reference junction or Pt100 / Ni100, or 10 V or 20 mA standard signal, free liniarization possible
* Control: two position / three position / step / continuous action
/ power controller / limit transducer
* PDPI algorithm with self-optimization
* Alternate setpoint, summated setpoint can be activated
* Outputs: 4 open collector outputs per relay for heating / cooling or more / less and MIN-MAX alarms

Auxiliary power: Power supply via appropriate power pack: 110/230 VAC





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