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产品介绍----SINEAX/EURAX/SIRAX系列接口仪表----隔离放大器 ---SINEAX TV809



Programmable isolating amplifier for the galvanic isolation, amplification and conversion of DC signals.

The measured input (current, voltage, measuring range), output (current, voltage, output range) and the function of the relay are programmable with a PC / makes planning and engineering work easier, short delivery time, no need to keep stocks.
Input voltage up to ± 1000 V
Short configuration time
Programmable input filter
Any scale conversion factor, also with signal inversion.
The input signal may be linearized.
Online interrogation of the measured value and control of the output is possible with a PC.
Relay for signaling the limit value (option)
DC / AC power supply with very large tolerance range / universally applicable.
Can be supplied as explosion protected type ?intrinsic
ally safe? [EEx ia] IIC.



SINEAX TV809产品图片(jpg/10K)
SINEAX TV809产品介绍(英文/pdf/156K)
SINEAX TV809操作手册(英文/pdf/170K)


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