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产品介绍----SINEAX/EURAX/SIRAX系列接口仪表----温度变送器 ---SINEAX PT602


Configurable temperature transducer for PT100, 1 or 2-channel

Measuring transducer for the conversion of the resistance value from a Pt 100 sensor into a linear temperature output signal. Depending upon utilized variant, 2, 3 or 4-wire connection can be used for the Pt 100 sensor.

Measuring ranges can be set as desired with DIP switches and potentiometers.

Measuring ranges can be configured as desired with DIP switches and potentiometers
Indication of open-circuit sensor or short-circuit with red LED
Electrical isolation between measurement input, measurement output and auxiliary power
Power supply: integrated AC-DC power pack with large tolerance range
Housing: S17 housing for top-hat rail or wall mounting



SINEAX PT602产品图片(jpg/29K)
SINEAX PT602产品介绍(英文/pdf/187K)
SINEAX PT602操作手册(英文/pdf/533K)


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