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产品介绍----MAVO系列电网质量分析仪----在线式电网质量分析仪 ---MAVOLOG 10

MAVOLOG 10 (M830P M830R M830S M830V)


Monitoring of mains quality with simultaneous recording of 3-phase AC quantities
Internal analysis of voltage quality at short-term, daily and long-term intervals in accordance with EN50160 and other industrial standards
640 k internal memory, user configurable capacitance components for various measuring and testing tasks
MAVOLAN RS485 field bus with multi-drop connection for up to 32 devices
Alarm output for events messages


10 L+ 10 N+ 10 S+     10 S  
Measurement inputs

----------  3 x UL-L / UL-N  &  UN-PE   --------

Dips, interruptions




Asymmetry x x x x
Frequency x x x x
Harmonics (FFT) 1- 40 & THD  -
Flicker (FSA)  (Pst, Plt) x x x -
EN 50160 analysis x x x -
Measurement inputs - -

3 x I L & I N

Recording during voltage dips - - resolution 10ms
Harmonische (FFT) - -

1-40 & THD


 Power / Energy        
Active power P1,P2,P3,Psumm - - x x
Apparent power Ssumm - - x x
Blindleistung Qsumm - - x x
Power factor PFsumm - - x x
Active power WPsumm - - x x
Reactive power WQsumm - - x x
 Alphanumeric LCD        
Measuret values, analyses


--------- 10, selectable ----------
Parameters configuration - x x x
Article nummer M830S M830P M830R M830V



MAVOLOG 10产品图片(jpg/12K)


地址:北京市东城区朝内大街南竹杆胡同6号,北京INN 3号楼 510室 (100010)  电话:010-64079656     010-64079602

传真:010-64079601   网址:http://www.jinxunhe.com   E-mail:bonwall@jinxunhe.com
  copyright © 北京金讯合科贸有限责任公司