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产品介绍----KINAX系列角位变送器----现场装角位变送器 ---KINAX WT710/711

KINAX WT710/711


The KINAX WT 710 converts the angular position of a shaft into a load-independent direct current signal, proportional to the angular position.

* Measuring range limits 0...5 to 0...270°
* Measuring output: DC current signal (load-independent, 2-, 3- or 4-wire connection)
* Potentiometer for adjusting span / Optimum matching of desired measuring range
* Direction of rotation: Output signal increases for clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation
* Capacitive scanning system / No wear and low annual maintenance
* Low influence from bearing play, < 0.1%
* Accuracy =0.5% for ranges <150°
* Torque < 0.001 Ncm
* Drive shaft fully rotatable without stops at instruments without addional gear
* Available with type of protection "Intrinsic safety" EEx ia IIC T6 / Can be mounted in hazardous areas
* Unit in field type housing / Compact for building onto other equipment and plant




KINAX WT710/711 产品图片(jpg/20K)
KINAX WT710/711产品介绍(英文/pdf/228K)
KINAX WT710/711操作手册(英文/pdf/439K)


地址:北京市东城区朝内大街南竹杆胡同6号,北京INN 3号楼 510室 (100010)  电话:010-64079656     010-64079602

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