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产品介绍----KINAX系列角位变送器----坚固型角位变送器 ---KINAX WT707/717

KINAX WT707/717


The KINAX WT 707 measuring transducer is used for contact-free, as well as practically influence-free detection of the angular position of waves, and transforms them into load-independent direct currents which are proportional to the measurement value. It is used primarily in the manufacture of large machinery and in ship building due to its rugged design.



KINAX WT707/717 产品图片(jpg/22K)
KINAX WT707/717产品介绍(英文/pdf/322K)
KINAX WT707/717操作手册(英文/pdf/493K)


地址:北京市东城区朝内大街南竹杆胡同6号,北京INN 3号楼 510室 (100010)  电话:010-64079656     010-64079602

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